Chicken Assassin: Master of Humiliation


Chicken Assassin is an Clicker RPG game set in modern fantasy times. Heavily inspired by 80s & 90s action movies combined with parody elements, game offers addictive and fun gameplay.

Chicken Assassin Demo to come in a few short days!

We have been sleeping 5 hours a day, skyping all day/night/weekends, working on art assets, code, game balancing and lastly having a blast doing it! There have been ups and d... no just ups. Since day one this game has had a smooth and constant progress. So in summary - there hasn't really been 1 second of work, it's been a joy to design and we are confident Chicken Assassin will be an addictive joy to play!

Within the first week of March, the Chicken Assassin demo will be available for download on the website! Feel free to drop by and check it out and leave your comments in our YouTube/Twitter/IndieDB pages.

One of the things you will notice is that there are hours of playable content for free in this demo because we want you to get the real feel for the game. Please follow up with us on your thoughts regarding Gameplay, design, art, ideas and we will be sure to implement some improvements if they make sense to us.
The first playable mission is Fight Club, which you have seen in various videos, articles, etc. The second is unlockable in the demo and it is titled...The Grand Chase.

Please take a moment to experience this awesome game before anyone else!


couch developers 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics Reply

jhoemar 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
Nothing to be seen. Gameplay is the most important.

FlaxyGames 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
No gameplay shown, does not compel to download.

funtobuild 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
I assume this is a pre-alpha. what you have looks good though

higgipoker 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
Graphics look fantastic, and love the name! ;)

Bread 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics Reply

NobleSpoon 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
Love the art style! At first glance I expected this to be a 2D fighting game. For some odd reason, Clay Fighter instantly came to mind. I was surprised to see it was actually an RPG. Look forward to seeing how it progresses.

CoreGG 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics Reply

mariospants 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
Nothing to see here? Is this a video or is it in-game? I thought this might be some really cool fighting game, but even as a turn-based RPG, there's nothing done yet... chicken roast!

SemagStudio 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
Agree with the others here. Looks beautiful, but there is nothing that looks like a game here yet. Hope it turns out awesome though. I love the art style!

Theimmortalsun 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
The game looks cool. I would love to play it but so far there is nothing to be shown.

VoxelGameStudios 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
The art looks really stunning! Need to showcase the mechanics more! Also, you guys should try out a different musical style. The music in the trailer doesn't fit that well with what is being shown!

Crepok 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
Nice art work!

This game needs a tutorial at the beginning or something explaining the main mechanic, I can´t pass the first battle because I don´t know if I can block attacks or avoid them.

I didn´t know when stop hitting the cauldron, it always drop blue balls!
More visual feedback would be cool too.

Keep updating!

UnknownEvil 7 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
I don't know if the game is done now, or if anything has changed. But, this game is fun for a while. The cauldron kind of breaks any point in the enemies dropping the souls, and any difficulty. The art is amazing, just lovely. Almost gave me arthritis.

kozaoo 6 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
I agree with other people, you should add some gameplay at least on the screens.

rechronicle 5 years ago

The link is dead, is there any replacement?

mrpandaman 3 years ago

can u use a different link ?
Roast Em


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