Chicken Assassin: Master of Humiliation


Chicken Assassin is an Clicker RPG game set in modern fantasy times. Heavily inspired by 80s & 90s action movies combined with parody elements, game offers addictive and fun gameplay.

Free game demo is now available for everyone to download and play!
Link to download game:


couch developers 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics Reply

jhoemar 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
Nothing to be seen. Gameplay is the most important.

FlaxyGames 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
No gameplay shown, does not compel to download.

funtobuild 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
I assume this is a pre-alpha. what you have looks good though

higgipoker 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
Graphics look fantastic, and love the name! ;)

Bread 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics Reply

NobleSpoon 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
Love the art style! At first glance I expected this to be a 2D fighting game. For some odd reason, Clay Fighter instantly came to mind. I was surprised to see it was actually an RPG. Look forward to seeing how it progresses.

CoreGG 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics Reply

mariospants 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
Nothing to see here? Is this a video or is it in-game? I thought this might be some really cool fighting game, but even as a turn-based RPG, there's nothing done yet... chicken roast!

SemagStudio 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
Agree with the others here. Looks beautiful, but there is nothing that looks like a game here yet. Hope it turns out awesome though. I love the art style!

Theimmortalsun 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
The game looks cool. I would love to play it but so far there is nothing to be shown.

VoxelGameStudios 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
The art looks really stunning! Need to showcase the mechanics more! Also, you guys should try out a different musical style. The music in the trailer doesn't fit that well with what is being shown!

Crepok 8 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
Nice art work!

This game needs a tutorial at the beginning or something explaining the main mechanic, I can´t pass the first battle because I don´t know if I can block attacks or avoid them.

I didn´t know when stop hitting the cauldron, it always drop blue balls!
More visual feedback would be cool too.

Keep updating!

UnknownEvil 7 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
I don't know if the game is done now, or if anything has changed. But, this game is fun for a while. The cauldron kind of breaks any point in the enemies dropping the souls, and any difficulty. The art is amazing, just lovely. Almost gave me arthritis.

kozaoo 6 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
I agree with other people, you should add some gameplay at least on the screens.

rechronicle 5 years ago

The link is dead, is there any replacement?

mrpandaman 3 years ago

can u use a different link ?
Roast Em


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