The Legend of Tobimaru - Alpha Demo



Long ago, rival ninja clans constantly waged war against one another. After the discovery of divine Orbs that grant the wielder incredible power, their battles grew even fiercer as they fought to control the Orbs. To put a stop to the bloodshed, Tobimaru brought the clans together in an alliance. Since then, the clans have been at peace, with each leader having a single Protector's Orb.

But not everyone was content with this balance of power, nor with Tobimaru's enforcement of the new peace. Three clans banded together and attacked his village without warning.

As he fought valiantly to protect the villagers, his enemies found the Protector’s Orb. Too late, Tobimaru realized their intentions. The Protector’s Orb was shattered right before his eyes, and his power left him.

Knowing they would try to kill Tobimaru if he stayed, a dying villager used the last of his strength to flee with him. Tobimaru regains consciousness in the forest. Nearby, the villager lies dead. He can sense that the pieces of his Orb have been taken far away. He doesn’t know what the rival clans are planning, but his goal is certain: he must reclaim the fragments of his Protector’s Orb and seek justice for his fallen villagers.


This demo showcases a prototype of the first level of the game. It should take about an hour to complete it but some of the combat puzzles are quite challenging so it might take a bit longer. We focused on creating interesting challenges with bits that follow a predictable pattern but can be very hard to deal with when combined together.

If you're a fan of platformers and metroidvanias with fighting , you'll like this game. Try it out and tell us what you think!


yoshizzle 6 years ago

Tutorial/Learning Curve Mechanics
Tutorials before the 2nd boss helped me remember the basic controls and basic combos, even if I couldn't use them well. Seeing places I couldn't reach reminded me of the Metroid games.

Certain mechanics need some work like jumping and being able to hit an enemy on a platform above. Usually, they just hog the edge and knock me off. Also, s, d, w, a, and space for fighting are a bit much for me to remember. Simplifying is possible (i.e. only use s for the punch combos and/or dodge/dashing by double tapping a movement key).

Overall, this is a decent game with plenty of potential!

mushingames 6 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to play the game and giving us the feedback!

Did the tutorials help you enough to be able to perform the moves? Or did you think you needed a bit more practice for some of the boss fights?

We made it possible to hit an enemy on a platform above you on purpose. Also, you should be able to use the "jump and attack" move to attack an enemy on the edge of a platform to avoid getting knocked off. We probably should've provided tutorials to practice this move though.

It's pretty difficult to play the game on the keyboard. We highly recommend playing with a gamepad. We'll definitely make adjustments to the keyboard controls to make it a bit easier before release.

Chukobyte 6 years ago

Mechanics Controls
I just played the game up to the third boss and these are the pros and cons I have.

* nice title screen
* art style and visual effects are nice
* I like the variety of moves to learn.
* level design
* Nice pause menu

* I'm not sure if this is by design, but when I jump and attack an enemy on a platform it is hard to follow up with a combo. I get attacked instead.

Overall, don't really have a lot of bad things to say. This game has potential and I enjoyed my playthrough.

mushingames 6 years ago

So glad to hear you mentioned level design in your list of pros. It might not look it but we actually spent a countless number of hours on the demo level. We tried to make the combat puzzles as easy to grasp and as rewarding to complete as possible.

Thank you for letting us know you had difficulties transitioning to a combo as you jump onto a platform towards an enemy. The next build of the game will have a visual queue to indicate when to input a move so this should make it a little easier for you.

Again, thank you so much for taking the time to play through the game!


GlassSeastar 6 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
I thought that the game itself is pretty good, but when I saved my game before the mini boss, the health bar is not fully healed up which could be a problem if I am encountered by one of the most difficult boss fights. It does provide enough challenge to keep me going. Keep working on more improvements on the game though! So far I'm liking it!

mushingames 6 years ago

Thanks so much for the feedback.

Yes, it's definitely a problem that you don't get healed up when you get respawned at a save point. At the same time, we don't want the player to save and die on purpose to get the health bar fully restored. Maybe restore up til half the bar if health was below half?

Glad you're liking it!

40wattstudio 4 years ago

Game Graphics Controls
Graphics and sound are good. Brings back memories of Ninja Gaiden on the NES. Controls are a bit awkward though. Was not easy remembering what a, s and w do -- some (most?) gamers associate WASD with movement, not special moves. Up arrow for jump and space bar for attack would be the simplest.
The level design was nice and I liked how there were secret areas.
Roast Em
