haven't you thought on upgrading to gms2 ? or switch to unity? unity is free, and you can get gms2 free from some webpages.
gms 1.4 is too outdated, and you will have problems with shaders, since it use directx9, which is very old. and nowdays no one haven't installed in theirs computers.
some advice: when you publish things, remember to remove the standar game maker studio tittle and splash screen.
also don't use gms default healthbar, its too generic. you should make a custom one.
also you should really learn about aesthetics, that font in the "smash around the world" logo doesn't look good. too blocky, the shadow doesn't look good.
never put use black letters without a white outline.
look at this bad example of not using outlined text
http://designwebkit.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/bad-web-design-colors-combination-thumb.jpghttps://www.google.cl/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiJzfycqOPkAhXTLLkGHdgcDcoQjRx6BAgBEAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.adobespark.com%2F2017%2F01%2F30%2F13-rules-to-help-you-stop-making-bad-font-choices%2F&psig=AOvVaw38KNkVvFuN5Eh5kbq9FZex&ust=1569203080917115in photoshop you can do something better if you try .
and if you really want to release a good tech demo, it should be a fully functional room, the baddie dissapears , and this tech demo doesn't offer nothing new compared to the previous games.
i was expecting new better sprite graphics for smash or more polished mechanics. or better UI.
look at how a decent tech demo should look
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXY2eJFHUhkdon't rush, take your time.
for make a good game you first need to;
-learn how to make good sprites
-learn how to design good logos.
-learn about font aesthetics.
-learn how to draw better.
-learn about good game design