Madeira (Development Build 0.1)


Madeira is a linear 2D platformer that has been developed since 2016. This build of the game contains the general structure and design of the game. It has two zones and tutorial levels. I have decided to release this build of Madeira to see the reality of where my game is heading. Currently, Madeira is still an unfinished game. Your feedback will give my game the wake up call it needs if it requires one.


Move: Left/Right

Jump: Space

Hyper Fall: Down

Hair Key: Shift

Huracan Kick: A

Wealth Slash: S

Proto Robe: D

Shield Wield: Z

Fullscreen: F4

Change Window Size: F3

A fully developed effects system (In 0.1, the effects system is unfinished)

Systems left to develop:
The Developer System (Debugging)
The Audio System (Consistent audio levels, dynamic sounds)
The Mechanics System (Enemy/Boss design, refined player mechanics)
The Content System (How updates are handled, campaign length, one playable character or two)


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