A simple but yet one of the most difficult game out there.
try to reach the end of the path without hitting any yellow boxes .



Resin 2 years ago

Mechanics Level Design
played for 15 minutes, beat the first 3 levels and got stuck on the 4th for 10 minutes, levels overall seem too short and packed, with the first part requiring very precise input and the last part you can skip by sliding on the side of the plane and it counts as a victory.

the graphics fit the game nicely, although they could hurt someones eyes if you play

the restart takes too long, could be solved easily if you bind pressing R to restart.

i believe there were more mechanics later on, but from what i saw creative level design is very limited.

my opinion overall, the game isnt so creative, is a one time couple of hours game at best, doesnt have future prospects, and seems better fitted for mobile, i give 1.5/10, your best bet is to put it on google play store and put some ads on it.

PAPA_DRAGON 2 years ago

I totally understand your opinion about this game I'll definitely try to come up with more creative and fun game to play(^_^)

Dxiled 2 years ago

Physics Level Design
This seems more like a mobile game to me. There isn't much to do gameplay wise besides moving left and right. Although the floaty physics could lead to some interesting trick shots, there isn't much of a reason to stick around after 3-4 levels. You should also make it clear what the controls are. WASD is fairly intuitive but I couldn't find a pause button or anything and just had to Alt-Tab out to quit manually.

The ramp at the end of level 2 was cool, but I somehow skipped past the hitbox for the end of the level with it and just kept going for 5000+ points before I threw myself off the edge. Speaking of which, I don't see the purpose of counting points since the levels seem to end at a specific distance anyways.

The floaty physics also allows for some cheese if you can tilt yourself off the edge and then come back. This lets you gain height for some reason. I can't do this consistently, but I've had it happen.

I think that as is, the game is almost unsalvageable. The concept itself has already been covered by the "Run" series, which are old Flash games, and I frankly think that those have better level design as well. However, I do think that the physics would be interesting for a 3d platformer. I think it would be interesting to give the player agency over all horizontal movement, with the limitation that they have to exploit the environment and the floaty physics to gain any height.

CJPD 2 years ago

Level Design Game Graphics
The game concept was very interesting but the graphics could use some work. You could also add some background to make the game more interesting visually.

SegunSege1 2 years ago

Level Design Game Graphics
Love you game level design

Notionless 2 years ago

Mechanics Level Design
Been testing it for 15 minutes and I can say I realy like the mechanic and physics, but regarding the level design I think you could make it better differenciating more the things present in the environment. For example in the level that starts with a ramp even the ramp is the same as the environment and I crashed with some blocks that did not kill me without knowing them were harmless. I think for the gameplay that would be it, but I think is a good one, keep working on it adding some more details like a pause menu and a small tutorial at the begginng (hard games with simple mechanics are easier to present that way) and maybe some music to put in context (you can check games like hexagon for example).
Finally I think that the diffculty gap is too high at the beggining to end up catching the most player you can, maybe the first ones could be larger and lower in difficulty and as the levels progress making them more short and "tricky". I liked the idea overall, good work! :)

Notionless 2 years ago

Mechanics Level Design
Been testing it for 15 minutes and I can say I realy like the mechanic and physics, but regarding the level design I think you could make it better differenciating more the things present in the environment. For example in the level that starts with a ramp even the ramp is the same as the environment and I crashed with some blocks that did not kill me without knowing them were harmless. I think for the gameplay that would be it, but I think is a good one, keep working on it adding some more details like a pause menu and a small tutorial at the begginng (hard games with simple mechanics are easier to present that way) and maybe some music to put in context (you can check games like hexagon for example).
Finally I think that the diffculty gap is too high at the beggining to end up catching the most player you can, maybe the first ones could be larger and lower in difficulty and as the levels progress making them more short and "tricky". I liked the idea overall, good work! :)

lovecraft 2 years ago

Mechanics Game Graphics
Classic controls. Need to improve Graphic design. Keep it up!

gamedevmkss 2 years ago

it's a good game with classic controls. make it a bit easier.
Roast Em