Robocar Poli: City Games


Many incidents happen in Broomstown every day. Cats go missing, buildings need to be rebuilt, fires need to be put out and much more. Become a brave rescuer and help Robocars to save Broomstown and its citizens. ROBOCAR POLI The game is based on an adventure cartoon with robocars called "Robocar Poli". They live in Broomstown, look after its citizens and help in emergencies! COMPLETE MISSIONS Follow the dispatcher as she will tell you about all the incidents that happen in town. React immediately, because it might be a fire or another difficult mission! You will have easier missions too: find a missing cat, fix cars and school buses, rebuild gas stations and others. USE ROBOCARS Robocars each have different, special skills that can really help you: Poli is the fastest of all and he will be the first at the incident spot. Roy is the strongest and can handle a lot. Amber is the smartest and will find a solution to any problem. Helly will cheer your mood at any time! EXPLORE ALL TOWN SPOTS You will respond to incidents on the City Road, on Bricks Bridge and other locations in game updates! There are 10 incidents in every spot - solve them all and repeat again. When you complete a mission, you get an item for your city - a bench, a street lamp and others. Are you ready to save Broomstown? Robocars are ready! Download the game! Contact us: Stay tuned: Our website:


LittleRatGames 1 year ago

UI Graphics Game Graphics
I like the UI
but the game graphics aren't that good
this is a children's game so I'll let it slide but it creeps me out
Roast Em
