Desperate room


You are in the desperate room, are you able to survive?  
You have only 2 minutes to survive!    
W,A,S,D - movement  
SPACE - jump  
E - interact


Chukobyte 6 years ago

Story/Writing/Dialogue Mechanics
I like the concept of a 2D escape room. I think the graphics are nice, and I like the way the menu text scrolls horizontally. Unfortunately I ran into multiple issues that made me have to restart the game. This includes:

* Getting stuck in wall when climbing ladder
* After climbing ladder and falling into spikes, was stuck.

I'm not sure if there was more content, but I couldn't progress further after falling into the spikes. I've attempted this multiple times.

JayeTomorrow 3 years ago

Game Graphics Mechanics
Really fun concept and great looking art already! Though I would add more content to interact with, since this was very short, but I did enjoy it. The music was also fun to listen to.
Roast Em