Erin: The Last Aos Sí


Update - the game is now available on iOS, Google Play, Amazon and Windows Phone.

Making of video -
Trailer -
Gameplay video -

Erin: The Last Aos Sí is a game for mobile devices combining tactical based combat with RPG elements. Set in mystical Scotland, it follows Erin on her quest to defeat Balor, The God of Blight and save the world from ultimate destruction.

Use enemy weaknesses against them to achieve critical hits or capture an enemy and turn it into an ally. Some enemies can use magic to buff other monsters in the area while others can cause hurtful long term effects on you such as bleeding, burning, slowdown, stun and weak. You will have to come up with the best strategy to defeat each unique group of enemies you face on your adventure.



Game Graphics
Beautiful art, I really like it <3

daniel_franko 7 years ago

Thanks a lot! An update will be available soon - mostly visual changes (

neurosaur 7 years ago

Game Graphics UI Graphics
I love the art! It's really classy! But I've found the white font rather hard to read: it's both its color and the lettering.

daniel_franko 7 years ago

Cheers neurosaur! I've fixed the font a bit, just the color though ... not enough pixels for more fancy font.

As I mentioned bellow, the game is now out, feel free to check it out -

GMan 7 years ago

Game Graphics
Looks very good, got anything more to show?

daniel_franko 7 years ago

Thanks a lot GMan! Actually I have just released the final version. Feel free to try it out at

A have also just released a short "Making of" video - it's worth checking out :)

Let me know what you think

Rudolf 6 years ago

Oh! Played your game in my android device, graphics and animations really cool.

Darenn 6 years ago

Mechanics Mechanics
I find very interesting in battle this mix between strategy (what spell to do on who) and dexterity (execute the spell). Even if your strategy is good, and your character is strong, if you aren't skilled enough to execute the spell it won't work.
I didn't play until the end so maybe my comment won't be interesting. I guess it become more and more complex in strategy, but I think the spell casting can quickly become boring (always making exactly the same pattern for a given spell). Maybe it would be good to make a set of pattern for each spell, and one of them is randomly chosen at each cast ?
Also, I didn't quite understand the use of the runes. For me it was just a shortest way to cast spell, but in the end I always used the book because I was too lazy to memorize them. Maybe it could be a good idea to make the spell more effective if the player uses the runes and not the book ? That would push players to memorize spell and use the runes, plus it's very stylish to use the runes haha :p.
Keep creating games !
Roast Em

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