Balance Racing


Use arrow keys to move character to finish line.


MCartwright 1 year ago

Mechanics Tutorial/Learning Curve
Pretty fun Game. Some ramps and obstacles would be good.

AwesomeBlank 1 year ago

Glad you liked it. I will add obstacles in next update along with better ui.

ProRoastingOne 1 year ago

Mechanics Level Design
Feels a lot like similiar mobile games.

How about setting your game apart from the rest?
You could put caves into the level or maybe add a platform which means there are two routes to take (maybe one is more uneven but shorter).

I feel like I have no indication of how far I have gotten. Does not feel fun to me if I do not know how much progress I have made. Especially when I am returned to square one every few seconds (no savepoints).

So changing the look of the environment and rethinking level design could help a lot. Maybe different vehicles.

talrosto 1 year ago

Physics Level Design
I played similar games and in my opinion these are the pros and cons of your game:
1. Challenging - comparing to similar game your game required more precision and control to drive without crashing.
2. Nice look and the car and drvier..

1. Feels like you can start with an easier drive challenge and after a while add more difficulty. Because I found even the first few minutes of play sometimes too challenging.
2. Maybe add some more graphics to the scene to make it more versatile.
Roast Em


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