Discord link
We just shipped the last version of the game's Pre-Alpha. The next version will be an Alpha release on Steam!
The project is still in a very unfinished state, but it's gaining traction quick. Had quite a blast making those systems:
Field of View/Fog, modifiers, resistances.
So this is the last free version of the game, and we're still searching for both testers & game developers. Come join us on Discord
New features:
* New enemies: FireGuy, ColdGuy
* New turrets: Cannon (splash damage), flamethrower, icethrower, poison turret
* Fog/FoV system
* Resistances added (fire, cold, electricty, etc)
* Modifiers added, DoT, Elemental attacks, etc
* Building changes
* Selection system (info)
* Back-end turret & enemy refactor
* And a lot more
* Crafting
* More modifier combos
* More world generation
* Polishing
HorribleGamesStudio 4 years ago
Mechanics Game Graphics