This is a coming of age kinetic novel with adult content.

Jesse is a boy who's been on the move all his life.  Upon finally settling down for good with his older brother Jordan, Jesse meets Caleb and instantly his life changes forever.

Follow Jesse on his journey as he finds himself and overcomes the hardships of life and growing up as he learns to fly over his troubles and worries.

Chapter 2 is underway and in development. I've added some basic menus, and basic animation to give it more of a game feel so far...

Stay tuned.


raindrawp 4 years ago

absoluitely awkfyulo was the waorst game ive ever played i canr undeertand why1!!111! ASLOS A 14 YEAROLD PEnis>?>?>>>>>?????

Robitron 4 years ago

I'm sorry you feel that way, but you were warned in advance. I also believe I stated I'm no artist.
If you didn't like any aspect of it, I would suggest you do not download chapter 2, which is under development.

By the way, what does awkfyulo mean?
Roast Em

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