Mwendano logical puzzle for Android


Mwendano or in short (MW or sometimes MWD) is the logic puzzle that is about to move all rings to the required targets (circles) of matching colours. Only rings can move but they can move only if they are at least 2 or more movable rings. All rings with the same colours move together in that direction you move. To make move, simply click single ring on cell you want, then choose any adjacent cell that has no another ring. Move cannot be diagonal. Don't forget that, if you move chosen ring, all movable rings of the same colour will move. For more info see help from game menu. This is version special for Android smartphone starting Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or newer.  In case you are not able to download here install via Playstore which might be more updated . The game supports auto-saving like PC version which is avaiable here.



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