by PseudoFanboy
Control deadbeat Lewis and help him work up the motivation to actually do something with his life. Complete tasks in card-based minigames and a main 'battle' system - if you have the energy.
A short demo/prototype for critique regarding the minigame and memory-inspired 'main battle' mechanics. I'd like to keep working on the project but I'd rather sort out a decent gameplay foundation first.
Gameplay and known issues are listed on the page linked.
It'd be too easy to say "the actual game" so here are some things I've put on hold on implementing until the next stage:
Theblackknightyt 2 years ago
Game Graphics PhysicsPseudoFanboy 2 years ago
Thanks very much, I really appreciate the feedback.Theblackknightyt 2 years ago
I don't really know how to explain it but I have video of it