Ranked #341
400 Points
Após a inesperada notícia do falecimento de um desconhecido tio-avô, você se vê no desafio de administrar este estranho loteamento deixado como herança. Surpreenda-se com os “monstruosos” inquilinos interessados em habitar o lugar… Agradá-los não será tarefa fácil, mas com certeza será muito divertido!Following the unexpected news of the passing of an unknown great-uncle, you find yourself challenged to manage this strange allotment left as an inheritance. Be amazed by the “monstrous” tenants interested in inhabiting the place… Pleasing them will not be easy, but it will be a lot of fun!
In this game you will be placed in front of a big dilemma, you must choose a side, and prepare for the challenge. You must dodge the food from the enemy side while trying to get the food of your side, and deal with a descending timer, if it reaches zero you will disappoint your favorite chef. Now choose which is your favorite side and go to the duel.