Ranked #245
485 Points
Remember the game Tank 1990 (AKA Battlecity published in 1985 on )? This is a modern remake of that with better graphics. it is available on Windows and Linux. you can find more here at my website.Important notes:- Please don't forget to give me feedback!Controls:Yellow Tank:- Hull Movement: W,A,S,D- Turret Movement: E,Q- Fire: F/Space- Smoke: CBlue Tank:- Hull Movement: I,J,K,L Alternative: 8,4,5,6- Turret Movement: U,O Alternative: 7,9- Fire: H Alternative:0/Enter- Smoke: N Alternative: .Other:- Navigate Menu: Arrow Keys or W,A,S,D- Select menu item: Enter- Reset Game: G- Speed Up game: +- Slow down Game: -- Exit: Esc** Support for nintendo JoyCon was added