by devbobcz
Cybertracers is a web local multiplayer game for 8+ players at one computer. Its close to snake or tron style game. With new mechanics "Unstable Portals". Game supports playing on the keyboard and gamepads. Enjoy it in the form of a progressive web application PWA that can be installed on your computer directly from the web.
P0 - up, down, left, right, portal: del, addr: end, mines: home, hammer: ins, pause: esc
P1 - w, s, a, d, portal: z,y, address: x mines: e, hammer: q, pause: esc
P2 - i, k, j, l, portal: n, address: m , mines: o, hammer: u, pause: esc
P3 - 8, 5, 4, 6, portal: 1, address: 0, mines: 9, hammer: 7, pause: esc
Xbox gamepads (one,360)
move - dpad or left stick, portal: A, address: X, mines: B, hammer: Y, pause: options button
Generic gamepad (not Xinput compatible) - custom mapper
- integration of music player with music from
- storm efect
- some optimalization
- new feature - overdrive (10s speed boost)
- new energy points for overdrive (3 have player from default)
- new fast update mechanizm
new mechanics
- shortcut sound
- emp
- new zones
- UNITY app (for Windows, XBox and PlayStation)
vladyslu 4 years ago
devbobcz 4 years ago
Hi vladyslu, of course :) My itch profile is here 4 years ago
And thanx a lot for your video and time. I go to see it :)devbobcz 4 years ago
In cybertracers is tutorial on esc button :) There are some mechanics, you can used... :) Best is with friends .), Sorry for bad optimalization of game :Dvladyslu 4 years ago
I played it with my friend. You could see that someone controlled the yellow player. My friend likes the game and will share it with other friends. Any game may have optimization problems. You should not worry about them much. It is playable enough to me.