Faust90's Profile

Ranked #220


525 Points

Langobardia Horribilis: in Trebia

BROWSER VERSION AVAILABLE ON WEBSITEIntroduction   "Langobardia Horribilis: in Trebia" is an action horror videogame set in a fictional version of Italy during the Dark ages, where a catastrosphic event has caused an invasion of otherwordly monsters and horrors.  This is meant to be a spin off from the Tabletop RPG "Langobardia Horribilis"   The player impersonates Walfrit, a Lombard warrior who has been sent with other soldiers to river Trebia, with a mission to retrieve the Holy lance from the abandoned church of Sancti Columbani. However, a flood has surprised him and his comrades, and now he is the only survivor.   Lost in the cursed lands of Langobardia Horribilis, Walfrit must find the lance and access the church, in the hope to come back alive with the sacred relic.     Play the game   Launch LHIT for playing in fullscreen or LHIT_windowed otherwise.   The game controls are: Arrow Keys or WASD: Move. Z or J: Attack. X or K: Examine an object. C or L: Heal with a Healer kit P or Esc: Pause the game.   Features Horror and historical atmosphere. Simple Legend of Zelda like character gameplay. Game boy color lost cartridge style. Partially random generated world. Permadeath. Secrets to get 100% ending.

Game Graphics Story/Writing/Dialogue

This is a fine game with a lot of stuff going on (sandboxy world, lot of skills and interactable stuff...), but IMHO there are some little details that needs to be fixed to improve the overall experience:

- Some english typos ("Skilled Learned"), and overall poor dialogs. Should be proofread by an english native speaker or a translator.
- Keyboard support for name screen would be a nice to have.
- Clicking on Action Icon (Lighting) doesn't always make you attack.
- Sometimes audio isn't synched.
- Good graphics but with inconsistent pixel-art style between character, npcs and background tiles.
- Ui messages could be organized better, a little overlap between shop items and messages. Combat messages do not overlay on world game, instead they respect the y depth draw order.
- Interacting with shiny points when you are standing on them would be a nice to have, given that the characters movement is snapped to a grid.

Keep going, though, this game surely has potential.

2 years ago
Story/Writing/Dialogue UI Graphics

This game is really good. I don't understand if is a full fan remaster of an old text based game or just a tribute.

While the game itself is old school to the root, I think that a tutorial section for the old UI would be a nice to have. Also, I think the menu should always be visibile.

2 years ago
UI Graphics Tutorial/Learning Curve

Nice game and great idea. Very clear UI and graphics. I can however get through the first levels, it's too difficult for me even on easiest setting!

It can be quite challenging if you are not a chess player, and the "new" pieces can unexpectedly give you a checkmate. I think that on easier difficulty more rewinds should be available. I think a tutorial section can be useful, maybe with a custom selection of enemy pieces and obstacles.

2 years ago

Yeah, something like that should be nice, maybe with a screen where you can select which piece is going to be explained.

I would do it more a "workshop":

There is a screen very similar to the single player one. On this screen the player can choose all pieces (both white and black) and the obstacles to placethe chessboard. After the player clicks on a "play" button, the match starts normally. The AI should be the same the player chose in the game settings (or else make a selection on screen). The match can be paused and rewinded unlimited times. While paused, the player can change all the things currently on the chessboard.

I know its a very elaborate idea, and maybe its not what you want for this game, but I hope at least it would be useful in some way to you :)

2 years ago
Game Graphics Mechanics

This game has a very interesting premise, and surely has potential. The graphics are very nice and stylish, but all the animation could be improved: imho they are too stiff and not very dynamic. And while the graphic is nice, sometimes can be a little difficult to separate background and foreground objects.

There is some bugfix and proofread to be done on menus and texts: pause overlay has a typo - "RETUED" and the fifth page of "Diary of Hotel worker" seems missing a translation.

I also think there are some weird inconsistencies in falling damage: falling in the second section is lethal, even if the section before was taller. Even if it lands on the soft armchair, its quite weird.

I found a little bug: starting a new game WITHOUT restarting the application makes me start with all the documents I found on the previous run.

A nice to have would be that the vines created to be used as ladders do not vanish after a very little time. This behaviour killed the character a couple of time whne she almost reached the top.

Finally, I liked the lockpick minigame, I hope more like it are going to be inside the finished product.

I got stuck on room with mom's hand. Did I finish the demo?

Keep it up!

2 years ago

Thank you very much for your feedback!

Seeing that you are not the only one who talked to me about a percieved difficulty on turning and attacking, I'm working on a little fix to smooth out this mechanic, so that when the attack key is pressed you can do a last minute turn in any direction. This should help to soften the controls :)

2 years ago

I did all the sprites and many of the tiles and splash screens. Some assets are made by https://www.instagram.com/2dipixel/ , and others are just CC or public domain photos which where digitalized :)

The style I was working on was on a retro Game Boy Color look alike.

2 years ago

Thank you very much for your feedback!

Combat is hard as a design choice, even after the tweaks I made. I wanted it to be more like a survival horror than an action game.

I'm glad you liked the setting and the story! It is based on the pen and paper RPG "Langobardia Horribilis", which you can find here => https://www.langobardiahorribilis.com/

1 year ago

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