Ranked #788
275 Points
I think that this game has somewhat of a potential, and how you asked for roasts in your game, im here to tell you some:
1 - The controls are weird, this is problaby because of no acceleration when the player walks this can be fixed by applying one Lerp function to the player speed.
2 - The bullet that the player shoots come out of the bottom of the gun, this is not a big problem but still something that is not normal.
3 - The follow us button at the main menu breaks the game, making so i cant select any other option.
4 - The game looks really crude, its just that the game dont have any special effect and the animations looks really rough and its not very cool to see these animations.
That all i could see in this project by playing it for like 10 minutes, i hope you can improve the game and make it something really cool