Unidentified 1942 - Game Testing for Public Audience


Unidentified 1942 - Some levels to test for the big audience (you) hoping for feedback.     Game is a 2d top-down shooter that takes place in France and Germany at 1942. Includes your highly trained US secret team, nazis of course, and there is an alien presence too, and who doesn't love zombies, their existence will be explained. Main advance in the game is that you can literally burn everything that burns or shoot, collide, explode or just shoot everything in pieces among hopefully a good gameplay.   --- Windows Defender pisses me off, F-Secure Total and Spybot S&D doesn't say a word so this is a safe file. https://i.ibb.co/jDvXTQk/windows-defender-tdsev3-2.png https://i.ibb.co/G9x63Rw/windows-defender-tdsev3.png ---   Download: https://mega.nz/file/BCtkEYZR#Gs1WvhPSeWK31ziNnLEvwv4GoenM5V0iksFo5RLDqP4   Numpad 0 for god mode -- Some tips: Use Tab-menu for mission instructions, sub objectives and for additional help Use grenades a lot Use your team in silent mode, attacking, surrounding, going ahead etc. Use binoculars if needed, and they are needed!   by Emma Lahti - Marketing, Data Sourcing Eemil Lahti - Game Developer  


More levels, known bugs and hopefully pointetd bugs or gameplay changes from your feedback.

Full story.  


MushroomTip 1 year ago

I am concerned it is a virus. What is causing the flagging?
Roast Em