NightZardProductions 5 years ago
This game was quite boring and needs a ton of work doing to it, but that's not to say that there is much potential here! I think the controls need a lot of work done to them, controlling the unicorn with the joystick on-screen feels really weird, this game really isn't designed for being played on a phone. I think I would have enjoyed the experience more if I could have downloaded and played the game on my computer. The graphics are horrendous, not the Unicorn (they look great!), I mean the world, the environment, it's so bland and uninteresting to look at, I think you need to spend more time on this. Also, the art style inconsistent, why are the unicorns low poly and some of the enemies use voxel art? I was looking forward to playing this game but was a bit let down. But don't take this the wrong way! I'm not trying to just shit all over your game and be a dick, I'm just telling you the issues so that you can make this a better game , and that's what this site is all about, giving helpful feedback :D.