If you love hard games this game is for you. This game will increase your reaction time and keyboard control to improve your these skills we created 5 different modes for playing and made it cross platform. 'SHAPES' is indie developed game by 'One Editor'. It's second game developed by 'One Editor'.                                                                                                                                                                                               'HARD AF' is tagline of game there are 4 seasons.1. Normal.2.Up is down.3.Move or lose.4.Combined(2,3).  We challenge you to complete all 4 seasons accepted or not. This game is playable on 32 bit windows, 64 bit windows, macOSX, Linux.

                                                                           Music used in game is 'Bush Week' by Nihilore (http://www.nihilore.com/). One Editor games does not own any rights on music. This file is free to use but if you are using this we would be happy to know about it. Follow us if you loved the game. If you love this please donate us some money it helps us creating content for you.


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