This is a prototype of a platformer game that we are making. The ideia is to build a game with a retro style, hard, with good mechanics and numerous levels using diferent ideias.
More levels, more art assets and bugs fixed.
BlackMambaJesus 5 years ago
Game Graphics ControlsGuilherme_Campiotto 5 years ago
Thank you for the feedback, we are going to improve some things to make this game better.Red_Phantom_RP 4 years ago
Level Design Game GraphicsGuilherme_Campiotto 4 years ago
Thank you for your feedback! We are trying do add more variety to the gameplay and new assets to improve the art to release the game in a few months on steam.Hectagon 4 years ago
Tutorial/Learning CurveGuilherme_Campiotto 4 years ago
Thank you sir! We hope to improve the game even more and launch on Steam soon.